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5 mo

Do you, or do you know someone, who specifically dates people at the holidays so they aren’t alone?

Apparently this is known as “cuffing season”, they want to find someone to link up with over the holidays and through to Valentines. Holidays

7 mo

When you get married who would you like to officiate the ceremony?

We had ours officiated by a JP. There are only certain groups of people who can officiate weddings here, and unless your best friend is one of them, they can’t marry you.... Marriage & Weddings

8 mo

Girls, what do you look for in a starter husband?

A starter husband? What does that mean? Marriage & Weddings

8 mo

Do you want to pick out the engagement ring on your own or do it together?

I had given him some ideas of what I liked months before we actually got engaged. He did the shopping himself and made the final choice on his own. I think it’s really important that a man knows... Marriage & Weddings

8 mo

Did you have engagement photos?

We did - done by a friend of mine. They were really well done and I hired my friend to do the wedding photos the next year. Marriage & Weddings

8 mo

Guys do you propose with a diamond ring?

My husband proposed with a diamond ring. Marriage & Weddings

8 mo

Will you ask your wife pledge her allegiance to you, girls would you pledge yourself to your husband?

No, I’m not going to pledge allegiance to him or anything like that. I’m already married, my husband and I see each other as being on an equal playing field in this life together. I don’t have to... Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

Do you think he has thoughts about marrying me?

I would say so, yeah. You’ll have to talk to him more about it. Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

When it comes to engagement/wedding rings, who should be the person choosing the rings: the man or woman?

My husband chose my engagement ring, and he chose absolutely perfectly. It totally fits my style when it comes to jewellery - I’m simple and I don’t wear much jewellery aside from multiple ear... Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

Is it good to let your partner plan your wedding?

I think it’s important to work together on it, to make sure you both get what you want out of the wedding ceremony. Marriage & Weddings

9 mo

How long did you and your partner engaged before getting married?

We first met when I was 15, and he was 16. Didn't actually start dating until I was 20, and he was 21. Dated for about 4 years, engaged for about 1.5 years or so, and now we've been married for... Marriage & Weddings

11 mo

Younger people, would you consider eloping instead of having a traditional wedding?

I would. But luckily I managed to do my wedding cheaply. We had fun, but it was pretty much just to please his more traditional family. Marriage & Weddings

1 y

How much (exactly) should a wedding ring cost?

Yes the engagement ring is typically more expensive than the wedding band. As for cost, I would not want the ring to cost more than $1,500. That’s pushing it! I don’t typically wear other... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Who actually cares about Valentine's Day anymore?

It is an absolute pointless cash grab. Valentine's Day

1 y

Which do you prefer small wedding vs. big wedding vs. intimate/elopement? Why or why not?

I had a fairly small wedding - we had less than 50 guests. We did it mostly to make our families happy - we really just wanted to go to city hall and sign the paper, and then have pictures taken... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Guys would you want to marry a woman who doesn't want children?

I’m sure there’s guys out there who also don’t want kids. Men who want kids are not a good fit for you. Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Funny examples of marital bliss? Can you contribute a joke or meme?

Ha, those are good! I found a few more: And here's one of my favourite jokes from Family Guy: Marriage & Weddings

1 y

When did you last attend a wedding ceremony whose was it and what did you wear?

Well it was right before Covid shut everything down. I can’t remember what I wore. Marriage & Weddings

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