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1 y

What do you want it to say on your tombstone as an epitaph?

I'd have it written in a very hard to decipher language. Just so that years far from now some future Linguist dedicates their life to deciphering it. Only to have it read: My name was Popeye. I... Other

1 y

What's the meaning of life?

I always quote Curly from City Slickers to people who ask me that Other

1 y

Do you sleep with a fan on?

Always got at least one big metal fan blowing. Drowns out Noisy Neighbors, Dogs, Cars and Kids. Other

1 y

What's your preferred love language and why?

English, because I can understand it. Relationships

1 y

What was your favorite thing to do outside as child?

Talking and walking the neighborhood with all my friends on a random Saturday afternoon as a teenager. It might take me two years to schedule that nowadays with all of them. Other

1 y

Do you hate anyone? If so, why, and what do they have to do to make you feel this way towards them?

Two people. One, because he truly wishes me dead. And Two, because she gave up. Relationships

+1 y

What has this pandemic taught you?

Humanity will kill each other over a piece of paper. No matter if it's on your face in public, in your pocket at the check point or locked away behind museum glass. If that doesn't work they will... Other

+1 y

How are you celebrating the shortest day of the year?

Sparring, Working, Sleeping. in that order. Holidays

+1 y

What Would You Do If You Were The Last Person On Earth and Where Would You Live?

I'd live somewhere different everyday and verify Bieber, Schumer and a few other celebs were truly dead. Then if I die in old age, set the planet to explode after I die. No space looters, we go... Other

+1 y

Are you grumpy if someone or something interrupts your sleep (read below)?

I am right there with you! Fuck that guy! (Personally I would've dumped a girl for that.) I am just as angry in the morning. Wake me up early and be prepared for a sea of hate and a VENGEFUL storm... Other

+1 y

How do you feel about masks still being a thing? Are there things you like and dislike about them?

I can finally protect myself from other people's bad breath, I'm never taking this thing off! Other

+1 y

How can you just settle for someone?

Because a person may not be great for you but most days finding a good one is challenge enough. Relationships

+1 y

I turn 16 in 2 days. What teenage wisdom can you share?

You want Wisdom from teen aged me... "It's 2:17 in the morning." Other

+1 y

Adults, what are your assumptions about teens now a days?

They lack context in their conversations, jumping straight to accusations instead. Other

+1 y

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Grumpy Fowl Mouthed Sarcastic Old Bastard with Outdated Opinions! Other

+1 y

Cheated in the past but he can’t let go, advice?

Cheating in the youthful yet distant past- hey everyone needs to learn the lesson once. Cheating in your 30s- You knew better and still failed to let the lesson sink in. Life's a lottery,... Relationships

+1 y

Do you have/take pictures of your significant other together?

Not together no. Individually yes. If she's with me I'm preoccupied with making the memory a good one. The only time I take her picture is when she's doing something mundane or trivial that she... Relationships

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