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1 y

If you have a friend who is of a certain race does it automatically make one not racist?

If you're one of THOSE people lol. Anyway, some people will find any reason to blame others, blame another race, blame eeo, rather than just working with other people. The whole world will be... Society & Politics

1 y

How come men that enlist in the military have to have their head shaved for bootcamp, but women don't?

Less people would likely get staph infections if men and women had their heads buzzed. Not anything to do with razors though. I remember during combat training which was our first co-ed training... Society & Politics

1 y

"If you have to ask your partner for something you need, it doesn't count." Do you agree or disagree?

Except basic needs like food, water, shelter, and attention, we all change over time. That's insane to think that who you're with will just read your mind and meet your needs all the time. Is... Relationships

1 y

Regardless of what you think of transgender people generally can you at least agree they should not be harassed ever?

Anyone at any time will be bullied or harassed for the choices they make. I feel zero sympathy for that as it is a counter culture movement, and there will be more backlash there. Much like when I... Society & Politics

1 y

Will we ever travel through time?

I time travel every time I binge drink. It's a damned conspiracy, once the liqour comes out, bam, it's the next day. Just like that movie looper. Other

1 y

What country do you live in? Where you ever in the military, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force?

USMC. The military is an interesting experience in binge drinking and horn-dogging to the extreme lol. Honor courage and commitment too I suppose. Society & Politics

1 y

Do you have baby fever?

If some day is always tomorrow, it may not ever come. Just throwing that out there. I pushed my wife to get knocked up the first time, then after that initial hesitation was gone, she wanted more... Relationships

1 y

Let’s discuss if a man does not want children, is the obligated to take care of a child he took part in creating?

In some ways it's a legitimate argument, like if a guy's a flight risk already and doesn't have a job. Just make it a cheap vasectomy and make him off the hook for baby #1. I'd argue the same... Relationships

1 y

I got invited by the parents for dinner?

You're a man, charge forwards and go with the flow. Also you did only have one date, so it's more likely that you're being used in this situation, rather than taken seriously. My mom was... Relationships

1 y

Would you rather spend the rest of your life with your ex or spend a year in jail?

This is oddly specific... is the jail for a year because you can't shake her off and winds up being involuntary manslaughter? I think that's mandatory minimum in some states. Relationships

1 y

Have you ever witnessed anyone being pulled over by a cop making an illegal U-turn?

Yeah, you have to try though, like I was in the far right lane behind a cop and realized I missed my turn, so after the light turned green I crossed three lanes to make the u-turn. He gave me a... Society & Politics

1 y

Mayor Eric Adams said that "As always they will not allow violence or vandalism of any kind". Does this make you laugh?

How could you compare "mostly peaceful protests" of BLM and antifa to the panic attack inducing, mouth frothing reaction people get when they talk about the storming, nay, near collapse of the... Society & Politics

1 y

Are you going to wear a Trump Mug Shot T-Shirt? ?

Not really, I have too many t-shirts already. A better t-shirt would be one asking Trump to get better lawyers or sue. It'd be a smarter move on his part to not publicly release his mug shot, but... Society & Politics

1 y

This is what's going on in Canada this summer, for children as young as 7, disgusting don't you think?

Wow... I'm sure they'll turn out just fine. What is it, 40%+? I'm so confused as to why you'd slot your kid into that before they can make any choices. Like what advantage does that give... Society & Politics

1 y

Whats the last Rubicon you crossed lately?

Quitting my last job without my 2 weeks. I was putting in 72- 84 hour weeks, which had killer overtime, but was destroying my health and family life. I got called in for another shift, started... Society & Politics

1 y

Why some people dislike summer?

I'd say access to water you can swim in would be a big factor there. Summer is hot, heat can be unbearable. If I can go swimming, especially with friends and family, not so much, then it's way... Other

1 y

Guys in relationships, do you have platonic female friends you text almost everyday?

No, the only woman I text about everyday other than my wife is someone else I sleep with whenever she isn't out of state... Most women I do get close to are women I have slept with, am sleeping... Relationships

1 y

Why have mass shootings recently been on the rise?

Probably a couple different reasons, one of them is likely the difference in definition depending on who is defining "mass shooting". FBI data is based on 3 or more people, and seems to have shot... Society & Politics

1 y

If someone you were in love with died, and you had sexual footage of them, would you delete it?

I wouldn't, rather I'd encrypt it and back-up to physical drives so it's harder to access. My wife and I have never talked about post death porn, I mean, I'd be dead, whether she's getting off to... Other

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