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+1 y

Would a guy lie about his name? If so why?

Seems like a catfish situation to me. Dating

+1 y

How often do you text your partner?

Me and my boyfriend text sporadically throughout the day. Relationships

+1 y

Would you date someone with face tattoos?

Absolutely no. Goodbye to a partner who has a professional career. No thanks 😀 Dating

+1 y

Who pays for the first date, the man or the woman?

I always offer to pay but on all my first dates the guy would end up paying. Like my boyfriend said he just feels good paying for a first date. Now that we together we split the bill mostly. Dating

+1 y

"Ok" - the conversation killer. Or why some people can't keep a conversation going?

In general if someone says only "ok" it is their way of saying "I am not interested enough to make a effort to keep the convo going". Dating

+1 y

Is your partner being insecure a turn-off for you?

Not a major turn off. Everyone has insecurities at times. As long as they are reasonable and dont harm the relationship or lead to unhealthy behaviors. Also if someone has insecurities they can... Dating

+1 y

Would you date someone until you find someone better?

No... that makes no sense. The person you date and are with should be the person who is the best for you and who you want. If you are already aware in your heart there is somone supposedly better... Dating

+1 y

What did you get for christmas?

I got earrings and a vanilla scented diffuser for my room :) Holidays

+1 y

Do you prefer to give or receive gifts?

Definitely both! If I just receive I feel bad and guilty and can't enjoy it but I am also able to give while receiving it's nice :) Holidays

+1 y

Do girls like receiving good morning texts?

I love good morning texts but I must admit I am currently sending good morning texts to this one guy I only see as a friend but it's mainly cause he always sends me one so I feel bad I don't... Dating

+1 y

What does it mean to be highly competent in Excel?

You have very good skills in Excel. More than say the average person who knows Excel. Education & Career

+1 y

What is a "pause" in relationship? Does it mean break up?

Pretty much yes. If someone needs time out from you decide if they want you then yeah not a good sign at all. Nobody would feel the need to take a break from someone they are in love and happy with. Relationships

+1 y

Why do so many Women react to MGTOW so negatively?

Majority of times the woman says she feels indifferent or doesn't care and then she gets attacked. This has happened to me every time. Mgtow's wants to see women upset over it when in reality most... Relationships

+1 y

A girl I like who has a boyfriend showing me mixed signals?

Everything is pointless. If she really likes you so much she wouldn't be with her boyfriend. I dont understand people who entertain these things when they know the other person is taken. Stop... Dating

+1 y

Help: My married coworker and I are sexually attracted to one another and things have become intensely odd, how do I make it go back to normal?

Do not take this wrong way.. it is going to sound harsh but you just have to simply get over it. There is no magic trick or spell or thing you can do that will make you wake up tomorrow and... Flirting

+1 y

Asexual a deal breaker for a relationship?

Doesn't asexual mean that you are not sexually attracted meaning you have no desire to actually have sex? If you find yourself getting horny and wanting sex then you are not really asexual.. Relationships

+1 y

Ex Girlfriend keeps Blocking and Unblocking?

Likely she is curious about your life and wants to see what goes on. For some, this becomes a obsession. Kind of like stalking. They become addicted to it even though they may know that there is... Relationships

+1 y

Would you date an overweight girl/guy if you liked her/his personality?

I naturally am attracted more to skinny guys so for me, I dont see myself being attracted to a overweight person. Also fitness is quite a important part of my life. I value being healthy and fit... Dating

+1 y

My boobs are the size of mosquito bites, will I stay single forever?

How is that even physically possible? Dating

+1 y

Girls is my girlfriend overacting?

Yeah obviously you were wrong. She was sharing something personal with you, as people do in normal healthy relationships. She put in effort. She wanted you to be part of her life and thoughts and... Relationships

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