Getting Married Young: Is It A Bad Idea?

Getting Married Young: Is It A Bad Idea?
One of my best friends in the entire world is 22-years-old and has been married for almost three years. My friend, Megan, is the happiest she’s ever been. But that is not always the case for most couples.

Is getting married young a good or bad idea?

Getting married young is a decision a couple has to make together. If one person is even a little hesitant the marriage is doomed to fail.

Before my friends got married, they had a conversation about the possibility of getting married (they had been dating since sophomore year of HS) on paper, no ceremony. Megan had medical problems and no medical insurance. Jim had a great job with amazing benefits. So he proposed the idea of marriage to Megan, and he promised her that one day they'd have their dream wedding ceremony. Eventually Megan agreed.

Megan and Jim were/are madly in love and for them getting this made sense. Jim wanted to help the woman he loved/s and this was the only way he knew how.

Getting married young isn't for everyone. Marriage is hard and it takes a lot of work and ultimately you have to be one to decide what's right for you.

What are your thoughts on this subject and marriage in general?

Getting Married Young: Is It A Bad Idea?
Post Opinion