- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
I'm not sure. I think it is wise to check your local laws on the subject. I'm all for forcing yourself on others but you dont want to go to prison and have someone do it to you
#RapeSafe00 Reply
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No it's not.
01 Reply- +1 y
Meaning no, consent is not implied by the marriage.
Thanks for MHO
What Girls & Guys Said
Your description for your question just goes to show you you personally don't need to be to be married at all. Rape is unconsented sex. It doesn't automatically mean that you're entitled to just have sex whenever. Person is not an object. That person is still a person just like you and them. Therefore does need to be consent. Otherwise it is. Marriage means that by obligation you do have sex with your spouse. Forcing your spouse into any unwanted sexual activity, or where theu cannot give consent is rape. Period.
30 Reply- +1 y
Consent is never assumed under any circumstances whatsoever. The fact that you have made it to 18 and still don't fucking understand that basic fact of human decency is exactly why this is such a huge problem.
511 Reply- +1 y
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376 opinions shared on Marriage & Weddings topic. Yes marital rape is a thing. If she doesn’t want it, and you take it anyway, then you’re a fucking rapist.
50 ReplyMarriage does not mean "you can fuck me whenever you want". If she doesn't want to, then it is rape, period. Doesn't matter if she is single, your girlfriend or your wife.
10 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Yeah, I did it last night. Like most women, my wife has rape fantasies and loves when I overpower her and "take her" vaginally and anally, both of which I did last night. This morning she told me with a sexy grin on her face that my cum was still leaking out of her ass this morning.
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
U can’t assume because you’re married to someone means they don’t have to consent to you and you can have sex with them as you please even they they don’t want to, that’s rape and it’s so sick that you fail to realize that
20 Reply - +1 y
Marital rape laws ensure that she may falsely accuse him without consequences.
00 Reply just cause she is married to you doesn't mean she lost her rights
20 Reply- +1 y
Yes thankfully or marriage would be boring. Rape is the best sex and most girls agree.
00 Reply You’re sick. Get help.
20 ReplyThat's called MARITAL RAPE.
10 ReplyI'll teach you how to troll for 20$
10 Reply- +1 y
Seek help
40 Reply - +1 y
I know, right? Does not compute.
00 Reply - +1 y
Yes. Rape is defined a sex act not consented with.
00 Reply - +1 y
Yes it is.
30 Reply Yes. Absolutely
20 Reply
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