Bipolar Romance?

I've recently rekindled with this guy from my youth who is absolutely an amazing man. (I'm 22 he's 23) We have so much chemistry and are able to understand each others humor. He asked me on a first date and is traveling to see me (I live in a nearby state). (but we've been talking for a while now)

He mentioned to me he is medically diagnosed with Bipolar 1 but has more Bipolar 2 depressive tendencies. He takes his meds and has someone to medically talk to. However, I never met someone with bipolar disorder and after watching a couple videos online and doing some readings I'm really really nervous it might become a big issue if we do end up getting into a committed relationship. I completely understand its the illness not him but I'm scared a bit about it because I've never dealt with it.

Does anyone have bipolar disorder or is in /has been in a relationship with someone who had it? What was it truthfully like? (be as blunt)

Thank you so much :)!
Bipolar Romance?
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