If you were a high value man and could attract beautiful women, who would you choose to marry?

If you were a high value man and could attract beautiful women, who would you choose to marry?
If you were a high value man and could attract beautiful women, who would you choose to marry?If you were a high value man and could attract beautiful women, who would you choose to marry?
1 y
As of 4/18/23, 9 people selected the virgin. 6 selected the classy 25 year old, 4 selected the hot 22 year old, 1 person selected the pretty 19 year old, and 1 person selected the rich 30 year. The sexy 27 year old has not been selected.

Studies show virgins have the happiest marriages and are the least likely to divorce. People who avoid sex before marriage might simply value marriage more highly. www.theatlantic.com/.../
1 y
I would have liked to includes more information about the 6 women but was prevented by GAG's character limit. Therefore, I had to combine photos, or else, I exceed GAGs limit. For example, if GAG allowed it, I would have said the 19 YO had sex one time on prom night with her high school boyfriend and lots of other information about her and the others, but GAG's character and/or photo limit prevented it. Therefore, to answer the question, assume all unknowns are equal and acceptable.
If you were a high value man and could attract beautiful women, who would you choose to marry?
51 Opinion