Would you have married in the old style of marriage?


These days I know there is a popular sentiment that men should not marry, after all they hear countless stories where courts rule completely in the woman's favor and she can leave at any time for any reason leaving him vulnerable for the entire marriage.

To those of you who no longer wish to marry because of those stories, what would you do in the old system where you are not allowed to divorce unless there is a proven fault in the relationship? A system where is hard to leave for both since its designed to enforce commitment, and where the court would rule against the one who was at fault so it ensures neither casually leaves.

In which system would you marry?

I would only marry in the modern system.
I would only marry in the old system.
I value marriage, so I'd do it in either one.
I would not marry in either system / I am against marriage as a concept.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
2 mo
Status update so far, only girls exclusively wish to marry in the current system (To me this confirms the power imbalance). Only men would want to marry in the old system, so girls value being able to leave at will. Only 25% is willing to marry regardless of the system, countered by the 25% does not want to marry at all.

That does raise the question, what system would both genders be universally fine with?
Would you have married in the old style of marriage?
14 Opinion