Debate: Is being a sex escort more beneficial to a woman than marriage?

Debate: Is being a sex escort more beneficial to a woman than marriage?

Rumor has it that women do not benefit from marriage the way men do.

Women in marriage: Take on the emotional burden of a man, expected to maintain their bodies, have children, take care of the children, cook, clean, work, give their husband emotional support, womens health declines due to overwhelming task, while their husband's are majority 90% unfaithful.

Men in marriage: are expected to work and care for the family yet still complain. They're a lot healthier because they have little to no duties thanks to their wives. Their wives encourage them to see a doctor, cook, clean, work. Men get overweight yet still not judged by their wives.

Sex escorts: recieve high financial gains for their services. Not obligated to marry , have kids, cook , clean, and emotional health is fine.

Unmarried men: poor health, more responsibilities, less money due to financial obligations without wife, no emotional supoort.

Marriage only benefits men
Marriage only benefits women
Marriage benefits both
Women have better luck as escorts men aren't worth it.
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Debate: Is being a sex escort more beneficial to a woman than marriage?
26 Opinion