Why are people so against young marriage when that used to be the norm?


I’m 19 and not super sexual or into clubbing and stuff. Don’t get me wrong I may not look the type I dress young and enjoy my youth. You only get to live once but, I don’t get the obsession both people my age and even older people have about being against getting married before 25 or in your early twenties.

I understand getting to know who you are and experiencing things but I don’t feel that experience has to be romantically. Also I can’t see how if you choose someone with similar values they would stop you from traveling or discoing hobbies etc? If anything you grow together and a combined income is never a negative. Isn’t the issue just choosing someone compatible, which I think so many people over complicate. That used to be the normal maybe you had a boyfriend or 2 went on a few dates and that was it eventually met someone and got married. Now it’s like people expect you to have fucked half the planet to know what you want on a partner?

Is it wrong to want to marry young, what’s the big deal if it used to be the norm? How do you find a guy in this generation that wants to settle down early?

Why are people so against young marriage when that used to be the norm?
37 Opinion