Guys, if you bride stuck her tongue out at you as she walked down the isle to you, what would you think?

I know it's wacky question, but I remember in the

last episode of the O.C. they flash forwarded

to Seth an Summer's wedding and she stuck her

tongue out at him as she was walking down the isle.

And, he just shook his head. But, when I saw that

I thought "Yep, that's something I would do" lol.

I mean everybody at wedding is super nervous, so

I figure that would be a cool ice breaker and it might

make the groom smile. I mean, I don't know if I would

actually do that, but if I did I would hope he'd be thinking

"Oh that's why I'm standing here! She's crazy and that's

one of the reason I love her so! " : )

Anyway, so men how would you be feeling or what

would you be thinking if your bride did that?
You'd be thinking how adorable that is and you can't wait for her to get to the alter so you can become husband and wife.
You'd be thinking how appauled you are that she would do that and would be angry at her.
You'd find it funny and try really hard not laugh and or stick your tongue out at her.
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Guys, if you bride stuck her tongue out at you as she walked down the isle to you, what would you think?
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