Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'


Insipred by @Jjpayne's recent question about collecting Hot Wheels or similar type collector cars, I set out to my parent's house shortly after answering Jj's question to dig through old mementos in my parent's attic & basement.

Among other sentimental items, I found containers of Junior & Jumbo Tinkertoys

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'
Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'

along with a box of Giant Tinkertoys!

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'

Do any of you remember these?

Have you ever played with them?

What did you have or do you still own?

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'

Playing with the Giant Tinkertoys was something I remember enjoying a lot. Those were also wonderful bonding moments with my dad who showed me numerous ways to build structures with the giant set.

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'

Meanwhile, my brothers each built whatever comes out of their imaginations with the small pieces that they'd carefully display on their desks to admire before they went to sleep.

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'
Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'

Whatever it is that my dad & I built together would stay out in the backyard because in was too big to have inside.

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'

Enjoy your trip down memory lane!

Childhood Memories: 'Tinkertoy'
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