
Why we buy impulsive? Is it normal?

impulsive purchases
impulsive purchases

Well, we all have seen thou long line of random article you need to walk trough to get to the cashier when at stores and have wonder who buys all this stuff, or you might be sitting there right now with a pack of sweets or candy bar that you did not plan on buying which means you spend more money that intended. The fact is that only one of many ways’ retailers get you to make these impulsive purchases that you do not really need. So, you can see why they do it, although whether their mischievous tricks work depends a lot on your personality and to how your brain reacts to gains and losses. See to not much of a surprise impulse buyer tends to be impulsive by nature, and according to a study in 2016 they found that most impulse buyers also did a lot of other impulsive action like extreme drinking unprotected sex or even getting married on site.

nucleus accumbens
nucleus accumbens

A lot of phycologist believes that it is actually a battle within you brain. As you can see in the picture above the nucleus accumbens is a small portion of your brain that is responsible for a variety of task of which how exited you will be over that new purchases are one but is also responsible for something known as the primary reward drive for the taste of food or sensation of sex.


On the other hand, we have the insula that focus on the opposite end of the spectrum for example the price or your budget. Phycologist refers to this ass the “pain of paying” because the insula also responds to when we are exposed to negative things like the smell of bad food or feet.

medial prefrontal cortex
medial prefrontal cortex

The 3rd soldier in the battle is the medial prefrontal cortex who also focuses on the price when if feel like you have just struck a good deal. Now researchers have been making some particularly good predictions on if someone will make a purchase or not by monitoring the functions and activity of these part of the brain. but not all people’s brain reacts the same to the same deal. So, the question is where do you fall on the pain to pay scale? Are you one to make impulsive deal or would you rather hang on to your wallet like you life depends on it. Please leave you comment below I would be glad to hear from you.

Why we buy impulsive? Is it normal?
3 Opinion