Should I add my personal number to the business account on OfferUp?

So my boss was working on getting the number set up for the 'work phone' for which he hasn't given me yet and it's been MONTHS now. I got a new phone, a Motorola one. My boss, as explained by my co-worker, is 95%-no and 5%-50/50 chance whenever he talks.

This is for OfferUp, since I explained to him that the problem with changing numbers on OfferUp is you can't use the old one on another account. He explains that OfferUp is now a business rather than free.

Yes, be a man dude!! Don't wait. Real men don't wait
No, please be safe rather than sorry
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1 y
Nevermind, I already did.
Should I add my personal number to the business account on OfferUp?
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