The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?


I did a take on the women of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and now it's the men's turn. Feel free to list who your favorite was, if any at all.

1. Angel played by David Boreanaz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 1-3 and the spin-off Angel Seasons 1-5)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Before he was a vampire: His name was Liam and he was a drunken Irishman. After he became a vampire: He became known as Angelus then once gypsies cursed him with his soul, he became Angel. Love Interests: Darla, Buffy Summers, Kate Lockly, Cordelia Chase and Nina Ash. Series outcome in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: After helping Buffy fight the Mayor, he left Sunnydale and moved to L.A. Series outcome in Angel: He was last seen fighting the evil lawfirm, Wolfram and Hart.

2. Spike played by James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 2 -7 then in Angel Season 5)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Before he was a vampire: His name was William and he was a poet of sorts. After he became a vampire: He became known as William the Bloody, he then eventually became known as Spike. Love Interests: Drusilla, Harmony Kendall and Buffy Summers. Series outcome in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Helped Buffy fight the First by volunteering to wear this amulet that was given to her by Angel, to help fight the first. It did just that but ended up killing him. Series outcome in Angel: That same amulet got sent back to Angel in an envelope and when he opened it, Spike came back to life out of the amulet. He was last seen helping Angel fight the evil law firm, Wolfram and Hart.

3. Wesley Wyndam - Pryce played by Alexis Denisof (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3 then in Angel Seasons 1-5)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Occupation: Faith's watcher. Then was apart of Angel's inverstigation firm, Angel investigations. Love Interests: Cordelia Chase, Lilah Morgan and Winifred "Fred" Burkle. Series outcome: After being fired as a watcher and leaving Sunnydale, he moved to L.A. where he become apart of Angel's investigation team. He was shunned for awhile after stealing Angel's baby Connor, fearing Angel would hurt him but eventually he got back in Angel's good graces. He died in Season 5, helping Angel fight Wolfram and Hart.

4. Rupert Giles played by Anthony Stewart Head (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 1-7)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Occupation: Buffy's watcher. Love Interests: Jenny Calendar and Olivia. Series outcome: He eventually stopped being a watcher and left in Season 6 but came back at the end of the Season 6, when he heard Tara died and Willow turned evil because of it. He left again but came back in Season 7 with some new potential slayers and to help Buffy fight the First. He was last seen standing with eveyone staring at the big hole in the ground that use to be Sunnydale.

5. Alexander "Xander" Harris played by Nicholas Brendan (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 1-7)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Occupation: Construction worker and one of Buffy's side kicks. Love interests: Cordelia Chase and Anyanka "Anya" Jenkins. Series outcome: in Season 7 he lost his eyesight in one eye,helping Buffy fight an evil priest named Caleb. He was last seen standing with everyone staring at the big hole that use to be Sunnydale.

6. Daniel "Oz" Osborne" played by Seth Green (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 2-4)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Occupation: High school student and member of a rock band. Love interest: Willow Rosenberg. Series outcome: He started out a normal guy, until he got scratch by a werewolf and eventually became one himself. He left Sunnydale in the middle of Season 4.

7. Riley Finn played by Marc Blucas (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seasons 4 & 5 with an appearence in Season 6)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Occupation: Member of group called the initiative and a covert operative of the United States government. Love interests: Buffy Summers and Samantha "Sam". Series outcome: He left the show in Season 5 after being asked to help out with a mission and cameback in a Season 6 episode, married and in opertive group fighting demons.

8. Robin Wood played by D.B. Woodside (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7)

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?

Occupation: High School Principal. Hookups: Faith. Series outcome: He came to Sunnydale, as the new high school principal but he was really the first slayers son and wanted to help fight the first. He ended up getting stabbed in the fight against the first, his outcome is unknown.

The Men of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Was Your Favorite?
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