You Are Not A Label

You Are Not A Label

"One word" in a chosen language,

is used at times, to define our entire existence as a human-being.

These words are called "labels".

Some of us hate them, and try to detach ourselves from the negative

connotations these words may hold.

Labels are given to describe an object, person, place, or a thing

Labels are solely perception based.

What I see, may be completely different from what someone else sees.

You see, labels as a whole is not bad.

Some of them are words that are positive.

The negative stigmas that follow behind some of these labels,

are what gives people their view of them.

Labels can hold words of hate and criticism.

These words can be so painful, that some people wish they were


"I am not fat!"

"I am not a slut!"

"I am not gay!"

"I am not a loser".

As detrimental as some labels may seem, a world without them,

would be a world without a voice.

Labels are used to communicate, express and identify basic needs.

Every single thing on planet Earth is labeled.

We simply cannot get away from them!

You Are Not A Label

Freddy, can you tell me what color this box is?

....he says it's purple.

You Are Not A Label

....I say it's magenta.

You Are Not A Label

Even though we both are looking at the same box,

we see it completely differently.

You see, labels are not always accurate.

Although I perceive this box a certain way,

I will not define it by the label, instead

I will look at its value, its substance, and what it has to offer.

I can re-label it because perception is one that changes.

It does not always stay the same.

Sadly, not every one is willing to have the time or patience to figure out the true content, that

lies inside of this box.

Instead, this box will be given its label solely based off of first impression.

Ladies and gentleman,

It is up to you to define yourself as a human-being.

Do not let a label do that for you.

You are like that box.

You are filled with substance and value.

What you have to offer is way more powerful than any word.

someone else decides to attach to you.

You Are Not A Label

Detach the word(s) that has been stamped on you.

Do not allow these labels to suck up your pride.

Live to your fullest, and project the greatness you have to offer the world!

I believe in you!

It's time you believe in yourself!

You Are Not A Label
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