Why Winter Weather is the Worst


Seriously... why is it called winter? It should be called LOSEter, because nobody wins in the winter. Nobody. I promise. It doesn't happen. The worst part is you would think after 23.5 years of living in a state that experiences winter without fail every year, I'd be used to it. I'd maybe learn to like it. Nope.

Why Winter Weather is the Worst

Granted, 2015/16 winter has been pretty tame this year. We've had more days in the 20s and 30s than we have the teens, and we didn't get snow until the end of December and beginning of January. There haven't really been any outrageous winter storms, unlike the 2014/15 winter. But there are still the same old awful things that occur every year. The things that make this midwestern, lake effect experiencing, black ice sliding girl want to move south.

1. Bitter cold:

Why Winter Weather is the Worst

I don't care how many layers you have on. You can have two layers on, or you can have five layers on. You're still gonna feel that awful, painful cold all over your body. It's inevitable, and it's totally not necessary.

2. The wasted gasoline, the wasted money:

Why Winter Weather is the Worst

Granted, it's not a lot of fuel wasted. But it's still fuel that could've been used to actually drive somewhere. Instead you're using it to idle your car while you wait until ice melts off your windows so you can drive well enough to not hit any mailboxes, pedestrians, or other cars. Not to mention it's not exactly legal to drive with ice and snow covering your windows.

3. Winter blues:

Why Winter Weather is the Worst

You can't help but just feel... shitty in the winter. You lose motivation to do things because it's cold so you feel unaccomplished because you avoid leaving your house for any extended amount of time. The idea of even thinking of making plans is exhausting, because it leads you to weigh the pros and cons of enduring the aforementioned bitter cold just for a couple hours of socializing.

4. Driving gets 20x scarier:

Why Winter Weather is the Worst

Not because there's suddenly ice on the ground, or because there are white things flying at your windshield, simultaneously distracting and obstructing your vision. But because the people around you, for the first month of winter at least, still drive like its 50 degrees and clear out. They ride your ass if you're going slow because your car can't handle winter roads (seriously, why do they even sell cars in winter states when they're incapable of functioning in the winter?), and they drive recklessly becuse they think they're invincible and henceforth are the reasons for slide-offs and accidents.

5. The season takes up the majority of the year:

Why Winter Weather is the Worst

Some years are better than others, and the snow doesn't come or stay as long. But some years it friggin' sucks. Even if it's not an absurd amount, and even if the temperatures have surpassed a balmy 40 degrees, there's probably still snow on the ground. A gentle reminder that the past 8 or so months will soon return when the next 4 months are over.

A girl hiding inside her house on her day off because it's currently only 19 degrees outside.

Why Winter Weather is the Worst
37 Opinion