9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

Ah, summertime at last. The weather is warm, the animals are out and about, and nature is at it's peak of beauty. This is the time of the year that people are taking their families to the park, people are hanging out at the beach, and everyone is packing away the bulky winter clothing. I love the sights, sounds, and smells of summer, but I hate the season as a whole.

1. Bugs

Bugs everywhere! This is insane! I want these wasps and ants to DIE and STAY DEAD!

Why I Hate The Summer Time

2. Heat

I'm a cold loving person. I have a cold heart. a cold attitude, and an icy soul. I need my winter air back before this summer heat melts me.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

3. Insecurities

I'm a big girl, so I loath the summer time. Now is when everyone is getting "beach ready" and buying revealing clothing. Meanwhile, I can never find a bathing suit that doesn't make me look like a beached whale, so I just don't go swimming. When I go out in public I cover up as much as possible, which leads to lots of sweating. It's hard to survive in jeans and a t shirt during the summer, but I refuse to wear shorts. I don't like how they feel or look on me.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

4. Invites to go places and being too nice to reject people

Summer is the season when everyone wants to go out and do things. I get invited along to the beach, lakes, parks, and even just a trip to the mall. I don't like to go into public situations, so I hate going out, but either I'm too kind to refuse people or my family forces me to go with them. Then I have to move and see other people. Please see reason number 3 again.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

5. Allergies

Ah, the sweet smell of pollen... I mean flowers.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

6. Sun burn

I'm a snow colored creature. I burn during 30 minute car rides. No amount of sun screen can save me!

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

7. Roadside vendors/events that I can't go to

I have very limited money, but I see tons of booths and sales going on outside and want to blow all of my cash on them. I'm especially into yard sales because it's fun to see what other people have used in their lives, but I'm always tempted to buy EVERYTHING.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

8. More people are out

During the summer, I can't even walk down the street without someone spotting me and making conversation of some type. I'm far from a people person, so I dislike this very much. Most people aren't insane enough to go for a walk in the pouring rain or the freezing cold, so those are my favorite times to go out.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

9. Sweat

I absolutely hate smelling bad and feeling sticky, so during summer I feel the need to shower repeatedly throughout the day. Sadly, I share one bathroom with four other people, so I can't do that. I have to just drown myself in perfume and scrub myself down with a wash clothe whenever I start to get a little too sticky.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time

All in all, summer isn't a terrible time of year. It's very pretty, and most people love the warmth and the ocean breeze on their skin. Unfortunately, summer just isn't for me, so wish me luck as I try to survive the next few months.

9 Reasons Why I Hate The Summer Time
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