15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do


We all enjoy doing some odd things, especially when we think nobodies looking. I was doing something odd and it got me thinking, does anybody else do these things?

Here are the top 15 odd and random things I enjoy doing.

1. Drinking Pickle Juice

Yes, I drink it. From the jar, before all of the pickles are eaten. So sue me.

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

2. Licking the inside of the popcorn bag

Yes the butter and salt off of the bag, but NOT when it is burned.

3. Making coffee at 3 am.

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

4. Poking bruises- especially when it hurts

5. Smashing hard candy into pieces

Cup, hammer, wall, whatever. It's satisfying to know I broke it.

6. Bake brownies at 3 am

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

7. Do my makeup/hair real fancy and do poses in my undergarments in front of the mirror

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

8. Going into my mom's room to kiss the babies forehead

9. Blowing on bugs I find in the hall/on the walls

10. Covering the cats face in kisses whenever I see her

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

11. Making my bed just to ruin it immediately with my sister

12. Hide in the closet with a book

13. Messaging people my random thoughts

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

At 2 am my mother messaged me that... she said, "Yea I was just thinking about it."

14. Messaging my boyfriend "I need attention" multiple times a day

15. Stop to look in the mirror and either admire or nitpick my look.

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do

What strange or random little things do you guys do?

15 Odd/Random Things I Like To Do
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