12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have


I'm sure most of you know what OCD(Obsessive compulsive disorder) is. A lot of us have OCD, I was first diagnosed with OCD when I was 14 years old, my OCD symptoms aren't as bad as they use to be since I've learned how to control my OCD. Here are types of OCD that people tend to have. Keep in mind that people can have more than one of these. I do have some of the OCD patterns on this list but I won't say which ones. Although these OCD patterns aren't causing me too much trouble anymore.

1.) Illness OCD

This type of OCD behavior is a result of a person's fear of serious illnesses. For example a person with this type of OCD would constantly schedule a doctor's appointment especially after noticing something different about their body. This is sort of a way of getting assurance that nothing is wrong with them, they eat a lot of anti oxidant foods, they use the internet to check for symptoms.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

2.) Hit and Run OCD

This is a OCD set of behaviors were a person is terrified of driving because they are afraid of hitting someone. They fear that they might hit someone and not notice. So people like this constantly check their mirrors, listen carefully just in case they hear sirens, they revisit the area that triggered their worry, they ask random people around the area to see if they know anything about a "hit and run" in the area, when everyone says that there was no hit and run, the person usually feels relief.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

3.) Existence OCD

This one is kind of odd but it can be very stressful for a person. A Person with this kind of OCD fears that they may stop existing, not exactly as in death but that they might stop existing in general. They fear that they might literally stop existing and that they might suddenly exist in a "parallel universe" Some behaviors of this kind of OCD is that they avoid a lot of things they would normally do, they may avoid watching tv, they might avoid staying in the shower too long, they may be constantly touching walls or other objects to make sure they still exist. This kind of OCD can impair a person's daily life and it's best for them to seek some treatment.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

4.) Need an excuse OCD

This kind of OCD can be pretty harmful and it may be considered "self Harm". A person with this kind of OCD usually has a lot of pride and they don't want to feel vulnerable. They don't want to feel as if someone has their number(out performs them) so what these people usually do is that they might allow themselves to get hurt physically by slashing themselves, over exercising to the point of injury. Anything that can give them a excuse for being outperformed by someone else. Usually it becomes obsessive where they need to get their "excuses just right" such as hurting themselves in a certain way.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

5.) Buying excessive spares (hoarding)

This kind of OCD may push your salary to it's limits if it gets really out of control. A person with this kind of OCD will constantly buy spares of a certain item they are fond of. For example, if a person purchases a pair of jeans and if they really like those jeans, they may buy many spares of those extract jeans just to be assured they will always have access to those kind of jeans. It can be any item(clothing, souvenirs, stones, workout equipment etc). Another behavioral pattern is that they will take extra care of these spares, they won't wear or use them. They will handle these items with care, they'll make sure their hands are extra clean when handling their spares and they might even purchase a safe to store their spare valuables.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

6.) Homosexual OCD

This one is controversial but it's little by little being recognized as a real set of OCD behaviors. A person with this type of OCD is straight/heterosexual but they constantly worry about being homosexual or bisexual. Usually people like this will constantly watch porn featuring only the opposite sex, they'll masturbate to erotica of the opposite sex, they'll constantly assure everyone that they are straight, they'll show disgust of their own sex. It can also happen to people of other sexual orientations but it usually happens to a straight person since he/she constantly assures themselves that they are straight. People that don't know that much about mental disorders will assume that this person is homosexual or homophobic but that's not the case, they are just worrying about their own sexual orientation.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

7.) Constantly mistrusting people

People with this OCD are always mistrusting people. They will usually be glancing behind their back to make sure nobody is trying to target them. If they are suspicious of someone, they'll ask around for information of that person. This way they can assure themselves that person is no threat to their safety. Even if someone just glances at them, they'll start to to be suspicious of that person. They might even appear to be mean but in reality they are just suspicious.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

8.) Organized and cleanliness OCD

This is one of the most common types of OCD, a person with this OCD will be obsessed with neatness and being organized. They may have a very neat house, they may be obsessed with being clean. They neatly fold their clothes, they get stressed when they see dust. They also constantly wash their hands and may refuse to touch things they believe are contaminated.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

9.) Credit OCD

People with this OCD usually have high self esteem but they might be obsessed with accomplishments, so usually when we they achieve something great such as creating something, being good at certain sports etc. They want to make sure that they receive credit for it so they might write down the time and date they accomplished something. They may even take pictures and store them in safe places so they have proof that they are the ones that accomplished it.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

10.) Memory OCD

A person with this OCD will often worry that what they remember is not real, they might think that what they rennet is just a illusion or a dream. In order to combat this they will take pictures, record stuff in video just to assure that themselves that their memories are real.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

11.) Safety OCD

A person with this kind of OCD will always concerned about their physical safety, their personal information safety and the safety of their private property. They will constantly make sure their house is all locked. They'll constantly check their doors, windows and car. They might even create multiple Email accounts, they may constantly change the passwords of their email accounts, bank account and social media accounts.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

12.) Tic OCD

A tic is a behavioral pattern that can be a result of anxiety and OCD, they are very hard to control but they include constant grunts, moans, blinks, winks, body twitching etc. They can become a problem when they are done excessively to the point were certain body parts start to hurt.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have

There might be many more types of OCD behaviors but these are the ones that I know about.

12 Types of Behavior Patterns that People with OCD Might Have
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