
Claridream Pro Review - Dream Like You've Never Dreamt Before


I'm a big fan of the concept of lucid dreaming. Even before Inception came out, I knew it would be an amazing movie to be able to go into someones dreams where they could be conscious of the dream and not leave it. But more than that, its not hard to see why lucid dreaming is appealing on a personal level. You can fly, have sex, talk to loved ones who passed away, travel to places you've been and imagined, live in tv shows, etc etc etc. Claridream promises to help a lot with that and in many ways its a huge step forward.

Claridream Pro Review - Dream Like You've Never Dreamt Before

First, I'll say after two tries with the product I haven't had a lucid dream yet. What I have had is a very very very vivid dream. The colors seemed much more real, the dreams themselves were more positive, and my recall the next morning was far better than I usually can attain. It's kind of like being high but in your dreams. Its like seeing your dreams in high definition.

Claridream Pro Review - Dream Like You've Never Dreamt Before

I'll admit i didn't take the product correctly. You're supposed to sleep five hours wake up take the product go back to sleep and lucid dream for about two hours. I just took the two tablets the night before. It has to do with REM cycles and all that but honestly I'm content with having heightened dreams.

Claridream Pro Review - Dream Like You've Never Dreamt Before

In conclusion, I'd say if you're an adventurous type you should try it. It's not so crazy that you should be worried, but if you don't care about having great dreams then probably you will feel it was a waste of your money. It also seems to help put you to sleep so if you have problems with that this could help. Honestly, it's just something everyone should try at least once.

Claridream Pro Review - Dream Like You've Never Dreamt Before

Claridream Pro Review - Dream Like You've Never Dreamt Before
1 Opinion