The Essence of Leadership

The Essence of Leadership

We all are different obviously, some of us are very adaptable, others just can't co-op easily, and the inability to adapt arise due to one of two reasons, the first one is high ego, the second is high vision or knowledge; when you know somethings fit better cause you have thought things through and no one around you has a more logical reasoning for whatever decision they wanna make. Other than the capability of a person to fit in, there's confidence, which is very dangerous sometimes, because some people would have good visions and knowledge, but they lack confidence, and the opposite exists as well, which may cause many losses, because of the stupid and strong opinions chosen over the brilliant and weakly presented ones. We also have different levels of willpower and determination, which depends on situations, timing, growth and genes.

So what makes an excellent leader? The answer is simple, an excellent leader should obviously be brilliant at what they do and then posses the following. First have an idea, a somewhat clear vision for such idea when accomplished and a detailed plan; they must have thought this project through that they considered many details and are ready for many obstacles that might face them. Secondly they should be confident and strong enough to take control of whatever project they're in charge of, you should be able to stand up to those who disrespect your orders, and punish those who disobey your commands. Confidence and strength should be there out of vision, knowledge and experience, not out of ego. Which brings us to the third thing you must posses to be a great leader, which is humility, you should be able to listen and admit when you have made a mistake, which will be rare if you have the basic characteristics of an excellent leader mentioned before, be flexible when a different decision has to be made and be decent enough to let the credit be to other participants who deserve it, you also should be humble enough to explain yourself intending to teach your co-workers. That way you be more trusted by your co-workers or employees, which is the fourth thing you must achieve. The fifth is influence, you should be determined and able to motivate the people around you to do the best work they can do.

Well, turns out it's not as simple as I thought it would be. But it still is somewhat simple, and we can sum it up in a simpler version as following: 0-Be brilliant. 1- Idea 2- Vision and plan. 3- Confidence and power. 4- Humility. 5- Determination. 6- Influence.

Thanks for reading!

The Essence of Leadership
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