Character and love

Character and love

This iceberg is a very good figurative illustration of the self, what appears from it is personality, and all that is hidden underwater is character.

Personality is a word coming from the Greek word "Persona" which means mask. So our personality is basically our charisma, vibe or energy it's what appears to others from you, and what might attract people to you. Character on the other hand is the base that formed this personality, it's formed by your genes, experiences and your mind; how you grow up, how you perceive situations and how you mind your intentions, and it's what might make people love you.

As time goes by with a person, we get to know them more, explore deeper than their personality into their character, and the more we know about them, the stronger we connect, and the further we escape from lust to love. This connection is the foundation of love. This is why the parents' love is the most real, because you get to know the character of your child as it develops, you also naturally share some of its characteristics, so you connect with them on the deepest level, even without knowing what they go through exactly, because you don't have to, you already know a lot, as you have witnessed and influenced their character's development for years. This proves that the main key to love is character knowledge.

Character knowledge allows both of you to connect on a personal level and be in love, where you can escape your own egos, and blind in to each other's egos, but of course this ego interaction doesn't completely happen, or else we would lose ourselves, which is why love is fragile, especially when we face each other's needs, and then the only thing that's capable of saving our love would be compassion, which requires a great deal of willpower. This also proves that the best environment to fall in love is when you struggle together, facing the difficulties of life, because it allows you to truly know each other and connect on the deepest level.

So my advice to every struggling couple out there is don't give up on each other just because life is getting difficult, it's the best time to unite and grow a better connection together. And be compassionate! Because there's no love without compassion.

Character and love
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