For my 18 years old ego

I want to create a lost of goals for my 18 years old ego

Trust yourself

When I was younger,I used to had trust issues.I still have trust issues.My mom always told me that I am beautiful and smart,but i never believed her.I want to believe her and I want to be more confident. I know how I am and what qualities and defects I have.I must appreciate myself.

Communicate more

I am not that person who likes to sociolize.Instead,I want to read or to do something else.Sometimes,I want to go somewhere and I realise how alone I am actually.And it's cert sad.I want to communicate more and I want just one real friend.I know too many people already.

Do what you want to do with passion

I want to study philosophy in Leiden,The Netherlands. A lot of people told me that I will be poor and stuff.I don't trust them.Better to do something that you love,instead of spending money on therapists,because you hate your job and your life.Everything that is made with passion is wonderful.Don't forget that.

Try to avoid fake people

I am staying with a classmate who is my friend,because I have nobody to talk with.She is so arrogant and two faced and yeah.I don't want that.I want to have a Chance to be a little selective and to know which person is fake and which's intentions are good.


We will never stop from learning.It's so fascinating. I need to study because I have a way and I want to follow my dreams.I want to study philosophy in the Netherlands.And I will do my best.

Don't loose Hope

Hope is the only thing that disappears in the end.I will make every thing possible

I hope you like and if you have questions,ask me

For my 18 years old ego
For my 18 years old ego
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