A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off


A List Of Things That Really Piss Me Off

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

As always enjoy or not, both are welcomed.

1. When People Accuse Me Of Degrading Behavior.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

A pet peeve of mine is when someone accusing me of something degrading. I remember growing up I had many teachers accuse me of paying people to do my work because they didn't think I was "smart," enough to do the work I did. And some people accuse me of doing orgies and just shit that's outright a slap in the face to my character. I really hate it.

2. When People Interrupt Me When I'm Talking (Continuously).

This really pisses me off, because I try to respect others as much as I can. I really value manners and etiquette so when I'm talking and someone keeps interrupting I get upset because I find it extremely rude. I feel like even if they do disagree or something at least have the decency to wait till I'm done. Really-

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

3. When People Assume I'm PMSing Every time I'm Not Happy With Something.

I really do dislike this with a passion. I hate when all I do is mention something that I'm upset about and people (Mainly men) assume I'm PMSing so my feelings aren't real and I have no clue what I'm talking about. It's never the possibility that they were an asshole or that something outside of being a woman caused me not to be happy about something.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I actually almost never have a period and etc so no, 98% of the time they aren't right.

4. When People Grab Me When I'm Trying To Walk Away

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

Normally If I'm walking away it's for a reason. I'm finished, or I'm not staying around in that environment because I know things can go south pretty fast. If you really can't help but follow after me or something just walk beside me and talk. Don't touch me. People at parties or that have been rejected have these problems sometimes.

5.When People Say I'm Crazy Or Act Like They Don't Know What I'm Talking about Even when I Have Proof

I really really really dislike this. My family is notorious for doing it. They'll pretend like they don't know what I'm talking about and use the fact that I have mental disorders against me. Like "Oh honey, you don't understand reality is all. I didn't do that." Like really? -

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I think not.

That's like when my narcissistic and abusive mother tried to deny abusing me all my life. Like no, I literally have pictures, videos, witnesses, and memories. I'm not crazy here, I know what I'm talking about.

6. When I Reject Someone And They Don't Back Off Till Force Or Hearing It's Because I'm With A Someone.

I don't know why this is even a thing, but people really don't understand rejection sometimes. They think like Kanye or something-

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

Yeah, you are the best to yourself or someone else. And well that's a subjective thing anyway, but when I say no or I'm not interested in a kind way. That means no. I shouldn't have to block people, call authorities, or tell them I'm with someone for my "no" or respected.

7. When Somone Disrespects Me Or My Loved Ones

I take this kind of close to my heart and I really don't like people accusing or attacking my loved ones. So, unless you have proof they did something or convince me to see why you're upset then I won't allow anyone to talk to me or my loved ones any kind of way. I don't like people who choose to be assholes just because. It's annoying as hell. And you don't want to see me in protector mode over that-

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

It can get ugly.

8. Bad Parenting, An Abuse Filled Environment In A Nutshell.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I find these crazy parents all the time who beat their children for the dumbest reasons.

One woman I know, saw her son playing barbies with his sister and she beat the hell out of him for it, calling it gay. It was Insane. I don't agree with spanking, hitting, talking down to, and coming up with crazy painful ways to punish children for being children.

There are plenty of other ways. I find the best is learning your child and figuring out ways to help them understand your point. Not scare them. they just find better ways of hiding their actions then. If you feel yourself losing your shit, step away.

9. When People Judge My Ability To Understand Concepts/Experiences Because Of My Age.

I don't like this either. In fact, it's one of the main things that piss me off. When people see my age and assume I don't or won't understand something just because of it. I find it quite ignorant most times and rude.

Just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't grasp concepts and etc. If I can't it's based on me as an individual, not my age at this point. It's offensive when someone tries to talk to me like a child when it comes to life and decision making...like excuse me but I've been handling this life thing for a while and understanding principles, priorities, and etc is nothing I'm new too, alright?

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

10. When I Barley Know The Person And They Try To Kiss Or Touch Me Intimately Without Asking. (Dating Problems)

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I don't really know how some girls like this. It's really a mood killer for me. When you're just getting to know the person and there has been no intimate interaction yet, I think they should ask before kissing you. Because-

1. You don't know where their mouth has been.

2. You literally barely know them. Like what's their favorite color, do you even know?

3. Maybe you didn't want to be kissed, they never gave you the choice. They just kissed or touched you out of nowhere.

4. It's kind of rude and shows no consideration.

11. People Who Try to Put Their Hands On Me.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I don't put my hands on people unless they try to hit me first, then I will defend myself. Simple as that. I don't like threats and people trying to hit me. I'll seriously snap, and I will do everything I can to take them down.

12. People Who Try To Hide Under Pretend Ignorance To Be Assholes.

This goes for the people who ask me rude questions and pretend not to know the answer they are looking for just to humor themselves. It's testing my intelligence and it pisses me off.

Example question: "So do black people really carry around hot sauce? Do you have a father at home actually? Does your hair grow in braids?! *Soft asshole laugh*"

Stuff like that is annoying, don't try to pretend you don't know what you're doing, cause what I'm not is a fool. I'll leave you standing there like an idiot without hesitation.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

13. Bullies/Controlling People.

I've never been kind or fond of bullies, no matter the platform. I find them unsettling but I'm sympathetic because I know for a lot of people it's just them projecting their own unhappiness. What I don't stand for no matter what is controlling people though. I've had some friends and boyfriends who were extremely controlling and tried to order me around like some dog. Sorry but-

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off


A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I'm not obligated to do anything for anyone. You only get treated how you allow yourself to be treated in these cases and I'm not here for it. It pisses me off and I will leave no questions asked when people get out of hand and try to control my life.

14. People Who Play Too Damn Much.

This goes for people who are overdramatic ALL THE TIME. Always moving a bunch, screaming, talking super loud, and rough playing too much. They tend to not know their own strength. I'm tired of almost dying because of you, and getting bruises from your hardback slaps and playing...

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

It really freaking hurts, and you guys are crazy lol. I love you but it pisses me off a bunch I'm not going to lie.

15. Catcalling

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

I'm not one of those women who walk around trying to get attention. I'm actually really mellow and respectful in the way I carry myself, and even if I do have some revealing clothes on it's in moderation or for an event

Zoo sounds and yelling "Ooooh shit! Hey you! Come here girl, you fine as hell!" is annoying. And it pisses me off. If you can't get a girl any other way, I don't want what you have to offer me anyway.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off

16. People Who Give Notice Beforehand For Anything

I find these people SOOO irritating. They come to your house unannounced just randomly. They ask you to take them places or do things short notice and end up inconveniencing you. they just have no consideration for anyone other than themselves. They cause Britney Spears breakdown stress with their drama and disregard for things in life.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off


I normally don't even let them into my house or return their calls/texts because they are too much to handle.

But yeah, that's myTake on things that annoy me.

A List Of ThingsThat Really Piss Me Off
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