5 Little Things That Annoy Me

5 Little Things That Annoy Me

I've been spending a lot of time being irked by little things lately.

1. The shower curtain sticking to me

5 Little Things That Annoy Me

The constant feeling of the shower curtain attaching itself to my body in the shower is the easiest way to frustrate me.

2. Bugs reminding me of their existence

5 Little Things That Annoy Me

Mr. Spider doesn't even pay rent. I either spend four hours trying to capture a nasty bug or lose track of it and end up stress crying all night.

3. Having to partake in small talk

5 Little Things That Annoy Me

Give me big talk or give me no talk! I have several devices that let me know the weather, I really don't need a personal read out from every acquaintance I make. Let's quit lying about how we're doing and that darn weather. It's awkward and makes my brain bleed.

4. When the toilet paper goes over rather than under

5 Little Things That Annoy Me

Don't ruin my bathroom experience with your stupid over toilet paper and I won't rip it out of the wall in the process of wiping.

5. People who don't know how to chew gum quietly

5 Little Things That Annoy Me

I never realized how obnoxious this is until I was stuck getting my hair done for six hours with a hair stylist that chewed gum like a horse

What annoying little things piss you guys off?

5 Little Things That Annoy Me
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