How to Battle Your Mind and Become a Mentally Strong Person

Confident woman.
Confident woman.

1. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself.

Feeling sad or grieving a loss is critical to your healing process. But self-pity is about magnifying your misfortune and exaggerating your hardship. It causes you to dwell on your problems and stay stuck in your misery.

2. Don't give away your power.

Saying your boss makes you feel bad about yourself gives that person power over your emotions. And declaring you have to go to your mother-in-law's house for dinner gives her power over your behavior. Retaining your power is about acknowledging that you are in control over how you think, feel, and behave at all times.

3. Don't shy away from change.

Change feels scary, because there is no guarantee doing something different will improve your life. But shying away from change will prevent you from growing stronger and becoming better. The world is changing, and success often depends on your ability to adapt.

4. Don't focus on things you can't control.

Time and energy are finite resources, so it's important to devote your efforts to the things that you can control. So while you can't prevent the storm from happening, you can control how you prepare for it.

Make yourself happy first.
Make yourself happy first.

5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone.

Other people can't control your emotions, and you can't control theirs. It's not your job to try and make other people happy. In fact, becoming a people-pleaser will cause you to lose sight of your values, and your self-worth will become dependent on other people's opinions of you.

6. Don't fear taking calculated risks.

Just because something feels scary doesn't necessarily mean that it's risky. Balance your emotions with logic so you can calculate risks wisely. Taking the right risks will challenge you to reach your greatest potential.

7. Don't dwell on the past.

Reflecting on the past is healthy, but dwelling on it keeps you stuck. The only time you can change your behavior is now, so stay present in the moment so you can take action.

8. Don't make the same mistakes over and over.

Put your energy into learning from your mistakes--not covering them up. Acknowledge your missteps and commit to doing better next time.

Let the past go.
Let the past go.

9. Don't resent other people's success.

Comparing yourself with other people leads to resentment. And over time, resentment can turn into bitterness. The only person you should compare yourself with is the person you were yesterday.

10. Don't give up after the first failure.

Failure is proof that you're pushing yourself to your limits. But just because you failed once doesn't mean you are a failure. Turn failure into an opportunity to try again--with more wisdom than before.

11. Don't fear alone time.

Setting aside time to be alone with your thoughts every day can be a challenge in today's fast-paced world. But reflecting on your progress and creating plans to create the kind of life you want to live is key to reaching your greatest potential.

12. Don't feel the world owes them anything.

You'll never find out how much you have to give if you're too busy keeping track of what you think you should get. An entitled attitude will cause you to become a passenger, rather than the driver, in your own life.

Be patient.
Be patient.

13. Don't expect immediate results.

Although technology gives us instant gratification in many ways, real change takes time. Expecting to reach your goals overnight will cause you to give up far too soon. Look at your goals as like a marathon, rather than a sprint.

How to Battle Your Mind and Become a Mentally Strong Person
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