11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety


1. Acceptance

You need to accept yourself for who you are. If you are an anxious person you should know that it is okay to be this way and that you are not alone.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

2. Speak up

Is somebody constantly hurting you or treating you in a way that you aren't fond of? If you feel this way, chances are that holding things in won't make you feel better. It can hurt you instead.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

3. Question your thoughts

Sometimes your mind "plays" with you, when this happens ask your self "is this really true or does it just seem this way?" "Is this likely to happen?" or "is this worry realistic?". a lot of times we feel afraid to do things but once we do them we then realize that it wasn't as scary as we thought it would be.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

4. Be Positive With Yourself

Always remind yourself that you have value and that you are amazing just the way you are. Don't think things such as "the world would be better with out me" or "I'm so hideous no one will ever like me" because you are just hurting yourself and those things are certainly not true.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

5. Keep your mind occupied

Join groups/ clubs that interest you or focus on hobbies that you are passionate about.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

6. Exercise

Exercise is said to be as effective as medicine for anxiety.Therefore, not only is exercise excellent for your physical health but also for your emotional health.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

7. Intervene with yourself

Walk away from those things that increase your anxiety like for example if you obsess over things and constantly check back and forth, you have to be strong and refrain (walk away) from doing this.

8. Try Aroma-Therapy

Lavender,eucalyptus jasmine, sweet basil, bergamot, chamomile, and rose scents/oils are great examples.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

9. Avoid These Things

Avoid smoking, alcohol, and even caffeine (this increases your heart rate drastically and this can contribute to higher anxiety levels.)

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

10. Spending Time With Your Pet

In a survey of pet owners 74% of pet owners reported mental health improvements. Pets can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and they help you to not feel so alone anymore.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety

11. "Make Friends With Your Fears"

When it comes to anxiety, there is a saying that fear is your friend. You have to try to understand/ recognize where your fear is coming from and when you do you have to face it because anxiety can not be ignored.

11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety
11 Ways To Deal With Anxiety
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