How to become a more likable person

I`m pretty sure most of you feel like you want to be liked and respected by people out there. How much though, varies from each person. Maybe you don`t care what other people think about you, but being a likable person gets you far wherever you are in life, and it will be easier for you to make friends. Hope you enjoy!

I am creating this MyTake because I have made many mistakes in the past where I consider myself a good person but done a lot of shitty stuff, and I am not surprised that I have had problems with people in the past.

1. Smile.

When you pass people in the street, meet people in a class, talk to your family members, remember to smile. Smiling is such a crucial part of your body language, and it really says something about you as a person. When you smile, people are instantly driven towards you, and it doesn`t matter if you consider yourself attractive or not. There are also ways to be better at smiling (yep!), and you can find tutorials like these on YouTube.

How to become a more likable person
How to become a more likable person

2. Be enthusiastic and interested in other people.

When talking to someone, listen to what they have to say, and listen well! Being a good listener and visibly interested in other people gives off a very comfortable and interesting vibe. People will like talking to you because you don`t need the constant spotlight. I don`t know about you, but people who always talk about themselves and act like the proudest people aren`t the best people to talk to.

How to become a more likable person

3. Be confident.

Confidence and cockiness are two very different things. I don`t know about you, but cocky people who think they are God`s gift to earth and have so much going for them, aren`t the greatest people to be with. But, if you are confident, it will shine and people will notice you. You don`t need a lot of friends to be a likable person. If you are confident about being the one you are, people will admire you for that!

How to become a more likable person

4. Talk less, listen more.

This is pretty much the same as point #2, but the title says itself. When you are having a conversation with someone, listen to them! Only talk about yourself when the time is right, and when they ask about you. Don`t wait too long though, you can usually tell when someone is too self-centered and have no interest in you. Stay away from these people.

How to become a more likable person

5. Try to befriend different kinds of people.

I`m a high school senior, and through my time here at school, I have noticed so many different cliques and friend groups. These people are very close- minded and only befriend people of "their kind". I am very much against this because it gives off a "you are different than me so I won`t be your friend" vibe. Yikes. No one wants to be viewed like that. If you have a big melting pot of friends, people can tell you respect and like everyone, even though they are different than you.

How to become a more likable person

6. Even if you prefer to be alone, try to socialize.

Not only is socializing fun but teaches a lot of life lessons. You learn social structures, situations, and problems. Naturally, avoid drama, but social situations and people`s social behaviors are important to learn and adapt to. Get together with some old friends, join a club or make your own. You never know, a lot of people might be like you!

How to become a more likable person

7. Know when and how to say sorry.

People who can admit saying sorry are always people you can have respect for. It means they are not selfish assholes, and they actually care about your feelings. Be that person! If you know you hurt someone, say sorry before it is too late. I have made that mistake so many times not to say sorry in the right moment. I admit I have been pretty stuck up in the past. This is something I had to change!

How to become a more likable person

8. Give credit where it` s due.

... in other words, compliment others! Do not be afraid to do so. In addition, don`t just throw out random compliments. That just blinks fakeness. Learn to give compliments where it`s suitable. "Oh, what a nice shirt!" "How kind of you!" "Wow, that sounds exciting, well done!". I mean, what is the worst someone can do to you when you compliment them? Give you looks? Utterly ridiculous. Build up some confidence and admire other people`s traits and accomplishments. They are just as amazing as you in many ways!

How to become a more likable person

9. Be positive in negative situations.

By all means, don`t act fake, but be hopeful and positive in not so positive situations. People have tendencies to become very negative when problems occur, so be the one who is positive and it will work like magnetism. It is also an indication of confidence, and everyone appreciates that.

How to become a more likable person

10. Do favors for others.

Take the trash out for your parents, leave the door open for someone, do some volunteer work. Favors are very effective ways to prove your selfless and good nature to someone.

How to become a more likable person
How to become a more likable person
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