All Personality quizzes are nothing but trash

All Personality quizzes are nothing but trash

Alright, so its okay to see them as fun and games and its fine to say stuff like "Haha I'm an enfp" or "Yeah I'm a thinker" but if you genuinely believe that quizzes can seriously determine your exact personality to a are mistaken.

disclaimer: The following may offend some of you special snowflakes and tumblr people or hipsters or maybe just anyone, you were warned.

1 - There is no such thing as a personality type.

Yep sorry but humans are just far too complex and change far too often for just one set personality type. What I mean is if you got a test saying that you were an Infp and it said you were shy and sensitive... well that is only because you put in objective answers that would lead up to the answer being "You're shy and sensitive" It never actually dug deep into your personality, and its even making the assumption that all shy people are sensitive and vise versa. Humans are just too much of a contradiction for this simplicity

2 - Confusion.

Similar to reason 1, there is way too much confusion; for example.

Infp test: You're intuitive and this makes you shy, you also are an introvert, so you are more quiet.

Hogwarts test: You got Gryffindor, you are super loud and brave and reckless

The big 5: You got OPENNESS meaning you are more open and not quiet at all

And then your zodiac sign: You are Capricorn, this means you are super hardworking and smart

Some other personality quiz: You aren't very hard working and a little lazy but you're super caring

Look at that absolute nightmare, just take it all with a pinch of salt and then you won't be running around questioning your entire personality and redoing quizzes. Not to mention, the damn questions and traits have multiple meanings such as "smart" is so vague, seeing "How smart are you" is just stupid and oddly objective.

3 - Your mood.

Often the quizzes ask you to answer honestly, but how can you answer honestly when it depends. But what if it says "Put in what you do most often" Well so what if what you do most often is be neutral and have no clue what you're doing. A quiz simply takes in what answer you put and determines your personality on that, but it never goes in depth and it even blocks out multiple traits that you could have. And the only reason you say that "WOW this quiz is so relatable" is because the answers you get are designed to be relatable to anyone because even the most outgoing, loud person could see the answer as "You are quite a quiet person" and think "Wow I guess its referring to how I act around these people *points to a crowd*"

You get that mbti quiz and it says you're a sensor so you automatically cling on to all those traits and disregard the intuition ones. But let's say your mind is reset and you do the quiz again than you get intuitor, then you cling to those traits and ignore the sensor ones.

You always will find a way to relate it to some kind of thing in your mind

The main point is, is that everyone is so different that their is no way to just say "Oh you fit into this type because you're shy" But that type also says that they are "Feminine" and "Weak" But the person could actually be very opinionated, just shy.

And what about thinkers and feelers? A feeler could analyze the hell out of something and a thinker could calm down and care about emotions.

And whats with that bs question "Do you comfort someone or try to fix their problem first"

Like theirs no option for both, whats the answer for "I genuinely feel their emotions and connect with them, but due to me dealing with the same situation before, I have many options to deal with their problems, and because I do not want them to be sad, I offer solutions"


Personality quizzes are for fun, they don't mean anything and the only way to find out your true self is by doing what you feel is comfortable, Besides don't be yourself, be your best self, and don't let some online quiz tell you who that is.

Thank you for reading, I know it's silly to rant about but so many people now days freak out if they contradict a personality trait they got online. My friend who is Cancer in zodiac and Infp in mbti often says "I disagree with all these traits wtf" And she usually clicks on sometimes for everything.

All Personality quizzes are nothing but trash
15 Opinion