Am I alone in all of this?

Am I alone in all of this?

Here’s a question that many of us may come across while we’re deep in thought, or going through a rough time. I recently (almost 3 months) got out of probably the toughest relationship I’ve ever been in. It was the most difficult relationship to escape and took the most out of me. I’m not sure if it’s because Im getting older, and relationships are more valuable, or if it was just that particular relationship. I often found myself thinking, “am I alone in all of this”.. logic thinking to me says no, absolutely not, but self thinking put me into a hole that was difficult to crawl out of. I spent the last couple months on this site, releasing my feelings, asking questions, responding to questions, and it honestly saved my life, as sad as it is to say. Sometimes even the most simple things tend to keep you moving forward. Do you have a similar experience? Feel free to share, and just know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and there are SO MANY, people willing to help you and be there for you whether it’s a stranger or a best friend.

Am I alone in all of this?
9 Opinion