Dog Types And Properties

Dogs are cute creatures. They also behave close to people. People's loyal friend. Well would you want to know the breeds and characteristics of these dogs? İf you want to know you can read. :)

Let's start. First number.

1. Chihuahua

They live with another dogs and cats without any problems. Especially, they get along with their own breed. In order the prevent aggression, it should be domesticated while young. It also the smallest dog breed in World.

Dog Types And Properties

2. Jack Russell Terrier

Dog Types And Properties

3. Labrador Retriever

Labradors were trained to help fishermen pull their nets by jumping into cold water. In the 1800s, they were brought to England. It is one of the best family dogs because of its kind and loving character. They are patient, very intelligent and loyal dog.They are active, willing to obey and love water.

Dog Types And Properties

4. Pug

Pug, one of the oldest dog breeds bis believed to be emerged in Asia in 400 years. The Pug has also played a role in historical events. In 1572, Pumpy, a pug dog, was warned against Prince William's nearby assassin. Pug dog are sensitive to the owners tone of voice, they are does not bark unnecessarily, doing agree good with animals and children.

Dog Types And Properties

5. Dalmatian

Dalmatian dogs have black or Brown spots on their fur. They are have a perfect memory.They can remember mistreatment years later.

Dog Types And Properties

6. Dachshund

Its origins go back to Egyptian pharaohs. There's a picture of this dog in a pharaohs's grave. Short-haired, Long-haired, wire haired. Short haired are the most popular. They are have a brave, stubborn, cheerful, emotional, an energetic and friendly expression his gaze. They are used as hunting dogs in England, Germany, Switzerland.

Dog Types And Properties

7. Chow Chow

The most prominent features of these dogs are their black tongue and straight hind legs. They are not obedient, stubborn at birth, they get along well with children.

Dog Types And Properties

I hope you like this myTake. Which dog is your favorite?🐶🐶

Dog Types And Properties
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