
How I spend a typical day

6:45 a.m. – My alarm goes off. It’s a Wednesday morning. I wanna cry since i usually didn't get enough sleep. Usually, I hit snooze, five more minutes until I REALLY need to be up.

7:15 a.m. – First order of the day is a mandatory lifting session. Since it is , the strength and conditioning coach has us lifting at 85% close to our maximum lifting capabilities. The pains and strains of years of intensity really shows up but once my adrenaline hits I'm numb.

8:00 a.m. – After fighting through sleep and pain, I finally finish the lifting session with 20 minutes to spare before class to grab a smoothie and text my parents and friends.

8: 30 a.m. – The beginning of the first class of the day. Always hard to get through because of the return of pain and lack of sleep as the adrenaline dies down. Sousually I'm texting friends surfing G@G

How I spend a typical day

10:30 a.m. – End of first class. Time for breakfast. So ready 4 this. I'm starving.

11:20 a.m. – Start of the second class of the day. More G@G surfing🤪

How I spend a typical day

12:50 a.m. – End of second class. A quick hustle to the fitness center.

1:00 p.m. – Start of practice. This is my favorite part of the day because the people i bond with the most are here battling with me. Nobody understands an athletes struggles more than another athlete💞💞

How I spend a typical day

3:00 p.m. – End of practice. At this point i really hate my coach (who i actually love like a 2nd father)💞💞

How I spend a typical day

3: 15 p.m. – Physiotherapy and ice bath session this is pretty much heaven and something my body that feels like an 90 year old woman needs and craves. If my massage therapist asked me to marry him at this very moment, I would be so grateful for his healing hands i would definitely say yes🤪

How I spend a typical day

4:20 p.m. – Last class of the day. At this point I'm trying not to pass out or cry from pain and exhaustion as the temporary relief begins to fade. I begin to question is the strain I put on my body and brain worth it.

5:50 p.m. – End of class. I am rushing home craving dinner.

6:30 p.m. – Dinner time my roommate and i work together when cooking. Because we are on a strict diet we have very specially planned meals prepped 4 the week. I spend time on gag afterwards and getting some quality time with my roommate and text friends and surf insta.

8:30 p.m. – Homework sucks because at this point my body is aching again especially my knees shins and ankles, plus my mind feels fried.

12 a.m. – Bedtime. After 3hrs of homework. I lay in bed and this feeling of relief hits my entire aching body as some comfort hits me. At the sametime it takes maybe 45 minutes for my aches and pains to become relaxed enough to fall asleep.

How I spend a typical day
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