For the first time in a while I only feel positive about the future! :)

This looks like the right way to go :)
This looks like the right way to go :)

I've taken a break from Gag for a while but I wanted to write an updated on what's been going on in my life ^^. 3 years ago I was doing an apprenticeship and I was done with the place I was living in and I moved to a different "state" called Kanton in Switzerland. I had a lot of difficulties with my apprenticeship I was diagnosed with autism in the middle of it and I got burnt out and depression suicidal thoughts. I had to interrupt it and finish the last 3 months somewhere else. In the living situation the first 2 years were amazing but then people left and it wasn't the same anymore and I was also feeling lonely and out of place in this different environment. After the apprenticeship because there were major problems I got transferred to the disability rent section.

And it took over 2 years. It took a year and then I had to get a lawyer and do a appeal of their decision because they denied me the first time and then it took another year. In April the decision was made in my favor and now I have to wait for the money. A lot of the money will also go to pay back the living costs of the past 2 years. My general living standards were good and the region here is very gorgeous as you can see in the pictures :) but a lot of the other needs that I have were not covered.

For the first time in a while I only feel positive about the future! :)

I wasn't able to have a structure because the disability people will take any sign to discredit your claim so I was living in a foreign place with no structure and even the housemates I was close with left. The ones that stayed were a couple and they started fighting all the time. And even wrestling in the hallway. I was forced to move out the place I really liked and the new place was more expensive but smaller and more isolated. And the guy started pressuring me for more money too and I was like I need to gtfo. But it's extremely difficult to find a place in Zürich when you live 1 hour + away. Now that I have disability it'll be a bit easier. I'm planning on going to a assisted living place first to just get a foothold in Zürich and get back my structure and search for something from there.

For the first time in a while I only feel positive about the future! :)

There's still a lot of paperwork and other work I need to do but now all the uncertainty about the disability is gone and I have a concrete plan and I feel really good about the future again :). It took forever but things finally worked out :). Also socially I've taken a big step forwards. In the past when I was confused and overwhelmed with social things I tried to analyze others and understand the rules of social interaction by seeing what they did in different situations and that was like a lifeline for me to hold on to in difficult times but that's not really a good way to socialize in general and later on it caused more trouble than it helped. Now I've managed to let go of that and be more relaxed and just be myself be more spontaneous. There's still some stuff that stresses me out once in a while but I'll manage ^^ I feel like I can be more social now and I've already found a place in Zürich I'll go back to more often when I've moved :). The next few months will be tough and stressful but I'm still happy and optimistic overall :).

Hope you all are doing well to



For the first time in a while I only feel positive about the future! :)
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