Looks Matter

~ Looks Matter ~

So I decided to share my take on this subject because it seems to worry a great deal of people. Looks are really important in our society.

First of all, the quote 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' really IS true. There is always going to be someone who will think of you as beautiful, of course there are going to be others that won't. I also experience that when you get to know someone, you start to think of them as prettier because you like them for who they are. EVERYONE has got good features. So I guess we can agree that everyone is beautiful to someone.

However, I don't agree with the saying 'everyone is beautiful', just because it isn't true. It actually annoys me that people keep posting that kind of thing. You don't see anyone posting 'everyone is smart' or funny or *insert any other trait*. So why would it be so different for beauty?

I just don't get why everyone is worrying so much about their looks and not worrying about any other trait, more important ones. Like are you being nice to the people around you? Are you developing your talents? Are you making people laugh with your jokes? I think we should focus as much on our other features as we are focussing on looks and the world would be a much better place.

Not everyone is beautiful. BUT, everyone does have beautiful features (whether in looks or other traits) and these are the things that make you a beautiful person. xoxo😄

Looks Matter
Post Opinion