Guys And Girls DIFFERENT Social Media Habits

Men and women significantly use social media for different reasons.

Women are more likely to follow brands on social media, but less likely to be influenced by digital ads. Overall, women use social media more, but men are more avid users when it comes to using it for business or online dating. Check out the infographic and the chart below to see where you fall in the rankings!

Guys And Girls DIFFERENT Social Media Habits

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Women are also more visual social media users, while guys are more interested in gaming purposes. Women make up a majority of the community on the biggest social networking sites, including Twitter, Facebook, Bebo and Flickr. On the other hand, men are most active on sites like Digg, YouTube and LinkedIn, which are more content-oriented and promotional than discussion-based.

Guys And Girls DIFFERENT Social Media Habits

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Which social media platform do you primarily use and what do you use it for?

Guys And Girls DIFFERENT Social Media Habits
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