Dealing with a narcissist father?

I have a narcissist father who have no compassion, sympathy, or kindness. He thinks the world evolves around him, he describes everything a narcissist does, says, and acts. He never spends time with me and my sis, blames me and my sis for his mistakes, argues bout nonething, tells his crazy mom (my grandma) everything i told him, uses me and my sis for info, drinks allday everyday nonstop, he thinks i have anger issues and im the problem, i feel like i have no father, no trust with him, i feel useless to him like im only used for stuff, i want a normal father but i can't, so please can anyone tell me how to dealwith him and if u had a parent (s) like that how did u deal and feel with it
Dealing with a narcissist father?
Dealing with a narcissist father?
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