Should men start avoiding women to avoid false sexual allegation?

Its pretty scary. A coworker of mine was fired because of a claim that he touched someone inappropriately. The girl who started saying that steals from the company and brags about cheating on her husband and how she's keeping money and not using it for her children. Yes, he was fired because of her. She was fired right after. But now what? he lost his job for no reason. we are under 24/h surveillance i might add. They just didn't want the company name to be dragged into the dirt.

is this what the world is coming to?

next thing we will hear is women crying because no one wants to hire them... well no sh*t since a friend of mine got another man suspended for calling her "yummy"

What a great time to be alive.
i have been sexually assaulted 7 years ago... time to go find her and make it on the news am i right?
Should men start avoiding women to avoid false sexual allegation?
Post Opinion