Are you a Chad/Stacy?

Chad: A impossibly hot and handsome guy that according to them gets everything in life handed to them. Chad is the Caucasian version, Tyrone is the black version. Chang is the Asian version of the "Chad".
Stacy: an attractive woman who gets everything she wants.
Brad: A guy who has had a sexual/romantic relationship or two but still perceived himself as coming out on the losing end of those interactions.
Becky: I couldn't find a good definition for a "Becky", but she sounds like she's pretty much a decent to average looking woman. Or, she is essentially, the female version of a "Brad".
Normie: Anyone who is broadly neurotypical, average-looking and of average intelligence.
White-knight: A guy who comes to a woman's aid for any reason. (Ex. A woman gets attacked by a someone and a man steps in, he's a white knight.
Cuck: A man who is desperate for acceptance, approval, and affection from women. This desperation has led to the compromise of his beliefs and values, the desecration of his dignity and self-worth, and his inability to stand up for himself and what he deserves as a human being, eg. loyalty, fidelity, and honesty in a romantic relationship.
I am a Chad/Tyrone/Chang.
I am a Stacy
I am a Brad
I am a Becky
I am a Normie.
I am a White-knight
I am a Cuck
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I am surprised no one picked Chad yet.
+1 y
Dang, not a single Chad.
Are you a Chad/Stacy?
22 Opinion