4.6K opinions shared on Other topic. That completely depends on the context.
If you're asking if they're young enough to go to elementary school, or start a professional (or olympic) sports/athletic career, or be a fashion model, then, yeah, they're too old, at least in most cases.
If you're asking if they should get senior discounts, or live in retirement communities, or stock up on Ensure, or even get discounts on insurance, then, no, they're not old enough.
Such people are 25-27, which is around the time women should be seriously, actively looking for husbands if they want marriage and children, and when men should be working hard to get their career going so that, in a couple of years, they're ready to marry a 25/27 year old and start having kids (if they want marriage and family). You are still young, but you're also an adult and "playtime" is largely past and you need to get working on the rest of your life, and what you do in these years is going to have a huge effect on the rest of your life.10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
I’m 40.. and my display photo is not fake and is not old.
Don’t focus on things you have no control on.
the weather and your age00 Reply
- +1 y
No they're not old mad 😡 Im a 1993 baby what makes say that people born 1994 and 1996 are old. Get your facts together.
10 Reply
788 opinions shared on Other topic. No they're still in their 20's. How could people who are still in their 20's be old?
22 Reply- +1 y
Thank you this crazy dude wish making us seem like we are from the Victorian times.
- +1 y
@Alwayreckles93 Yeah that is crazy. I'm only 23 and I still feel so young
What Girls & Guys Said
3.2K opinions shared on Other topic. I'm 96 and starting too feel old
10 Reply- +1 y
Not compared to some other folks. My coworker (who must at least be in her 60s) said to me "oh you're still a baby"
10 Reply 10.3K opinions shared on Other topic. No, not at all. They're younger than me and they're pretty young.
10 Reply647 opinions shared on Other topic. I hope not, because that would make me really old, oh wait...
00 Reply18.8K opinions shared on Other topic. No Age is just a number some people can live past 105 years old
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Age is just a number. You're only as old as you feel
00 Reply - +1 y
Good lord. If thats old then im ancient
32 Reply- +1 y
@Cherry234 thats my point lol
no but theyre getting there (❁°͈▵°͈)
00 Reply- +1 y
I don't hope so, I'm from 1995 xD
00 Reply - +1 y
Not yet, once I hit my 30s I’ll start to feel old.
00 Reply I was born in the early 60’s and im not old
00 Reply2.8K opinions shared on Other topic. If so I’m a decade older than old….
00 Reply11K opinions shared on Other topic. Yeah. I hate being old
00 Reply3.2K opinions shared on Other topic. Older than 2000; not as old as 1990
00 Reply2K opinions shared on Other topic. not really
00 ReplyI don’t think so
00 Reply- +1 y
No, they aren’t.
11 Reply- +1 y
Thank you , Exactly.
7.6K opinions shared on Other topic. Nope.
00 Reply1.3K opinions shared on Other topic. Hardly. Try 1958.
00 Reply- +1 y
Still young
20 Reply - +1 y
Not yet
00 Reply - +1 y
i dont think so
10 Reply
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