What was your last near-injury (play on near-death) experience?

Lucky person.
Lucky person.
Source (crazy lucky biker video)

I was walking across a post office parking lot this evening. It was after hours. Parked my bike on the far side, everyone was darting in and out of spaces on the building side of the lot.
As I walked toward the door someone exited the passenger side of a car, the driver throws it into reverse and guns it toward me.
I jumped back out of the spot I was in and the car finally saw me (in a white jacket) and stopped where I had been standing.
What surprised me was what came out of my mouth. Loudly.
“Jesus Christ!!”
Not one to say that. Never said it before. Fascinating to learn what your possible last words can be.
Three people turned, glaring at me from this assumed “blasphemy”, then realized what had happened. The all melted into expressions of “Yeah, that fit.” and continued on with their lives. lol Thanks people.

Had any close calls? Lets hear them.
What was your last near-injury (play on near-death) experience?
19 Opinion