What do you think when you see a girl driving, and the guy is in the passenger seat?

Admittedly, I get self concious about this. Before me, my girlfriend was in a relationship for about 4 years. She wound up having his kid, who's two. She was later raped by this same guy, and wound up getting pregnant. She left him, and wound up having another kid. So she got two kids. Now, she's an amazing person. She's beautiful, she's selfless, she puts in effort towards the relationship, got her own car, got a job in the medical field, the sex is amazing, we vibe great. I'm perfectly happy with her. Her ex was just an abusive piece of shit. What I get self concious about is, since her car seats are professionally installed, she always prefers to drive her car when we hang out. I got my own car, a license, a good job. I'm not free loading off her by any means. But not being the one driving, makes me feel like I look like a bum. It's probably an insecurity thing in all honesty. But being in the passenger seat while she drives makes me feel like a loser. We don't live together, so getting them installed in my car isn't an option. What do you think when you see the woman driving a man?
What do you think when you see a girl driving, and the guy is in the passenger seat?
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