Why do Americans think they have a "great" country when for one they have a poverty line greater than the average of 5 European countries combined?

Seriously. American long-term poverty is greater than the combined average of Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain and I believe it was UK.

They have a higher ratio for extreme poverty than Russia - https://howmuch.net/articles/people-living-in-extreme-poverty-2018 - sitting somewhere between Canada and Brazil of all places.
In an old 2011 report they have a homicide rate comparable to South American countries & India - countries Americans insist are inferior barbaric & uncivilized. http://chartsbin.com/view/1454
Even in a less clear 2019 study Americans have a crime ratio comparable to "barbaric" 3rd world countries https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Global-Crime-Index-Map-2019_fig1_334657815 .

And is comparable to African countries like Chad https://ocindex.net/ .

So what's so great about America?

So many Americans say freedoms.

What freedoms?

If you're stupid enough to believe you won't be thrown in jail for say threatening someone - try it and enjoy the urine-soaked mattress that greets you in the prison cell.

You have no freedoms - take your economy. Slaves to your global economy buying overpriced shit due to inflation and putting up with such because you're too stupid to comprehend that a few buttons between a 2021 car & a 2022 car isn't worth the money. Or even a 2019 and 2022 car isn't worth the money.
Why do Americans think they have a "great" country when for one they have a poverty line greater than the average of 5 European countries combined?
7 Opinion