To leave or not to leave. Is it time for me to upgrade my life?

Current situation rent is great and I've been living at this place since 2017. I haven't had any personal issues really up until now. Neighbor below me is overweight, loud , and obnoxious. Constantly hear her through the walls beating up her boyfriend and envious of me saying I'm a man snatched trying to take her man. Mind you he's unhealthy and unattractive too. So she's been keeping drama. The type of people they're moving in is a bit concerning, they are at pool after hours loud, you could smell weed, will leave food on the ground, speed in a 15mph, dog off leash. It's like they have no home training. Things have been fixed though so I hope it last.

I'd like to be around people who have as much to lose as I do. More professional people like myself. So I plan on moving. If your rent is an excellent price would you move to a more upscale professional areas where rent is $300 more or stay where you are? I'm at a place in my life where I want to be around better people.
To leave or not to leave. Is it time for me to upgrade my life?
I'd move
I'd stay where you are
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The pic is the new place I'm interested in
To leave or not to leave. Is it time for me to upgrade my life?
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