Facts about this Country - starts with "Y"?

Facts about this Country - starts with Y?

Normally, this would be another in a series of geography questions, for a country that starts with "Y". However, there is only one country that start with "Y " ... Yemen.

So, today, we'll do something different. Ten "facts" about Yemen are listed below, except that two of them are false. See if you can determine which are the two "false facts".

Possible Facts about Yemen:

1. It's the worst country in the world for gender-equality - males rule

2. It's a landlocked country near Saudi Arabia

3. It was once in two pieces, separately ruled by Ottomans (north) and British (south)

4. It is the first and only Marxist Arab state

5. Its capital is Aden

6. Its national symbol is an eagle

7. The city of Mocha (where coffee got its name) was once a large coffee marketplace

8. Its flag contains red white and black horizontal stripes

9. Much of the country is desert

10. It's among the 10 most dangerous countries to visit

Please don't cheat by looking it up or looking at other peoples' opinions and guesses. Make your best guess.

If you think you know which two "facts" are false, make your guess in an opinion below.

Good luck! And HAVE FUN!

The correct answer will be given in a few days (Tuesday).

1 y
The correct answer is...
Statements 2 and 5 are false, the others are true.

Some details...
2 - Yemen has coastline on the Indian Ocean (Gulf of Aden) and Red Sea
5 - Sana'a is the capital
Facts about this Country - starts with "Y"?
6 Opinion