Name the City - #3?

Name the City - #3?

This is a question in the series on Cities of the World. Each question contains several things about a city and the goal is to guess what city that is. Unlike the country questions, there is no starting letter hint. We'll try to have a new question each day.

Hint: The city may or may not be one of the cities in the picture.

Things about this city:

* This city is not its country's capital

* The city is located on a large fresh-water body of water

* The city is known for having a Great Fire

* It's third in population in its country

* Hillary Clinton was born in this city

* It's the railroad capital and hub of its country

* Twinkies were invented here

* It's sometimes called "The Windy City"

* The first elevated railway was built here

* The first building considered to be a skyscraper was built here

Please don't cheat by looking it up or looking at other peoples' opinions and guesses. Make your best guess.

If you think you know what city this is, make your guess in an opinion below.

Good luck! And HAVE FUN!

The correct answer will be given in a few days (Friday).

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This one was pretty easy... just about everyone got it.
The correct answer is Chicago, Illinois, United States

Some details...
The body of water is Lake Michigan
The 1871 fire leveled over 3 sq mi of Chicago
New York and Los Angeles are 1 and 2 in population
The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) operates "The EL"
The Tacoma Building was the world's first skyscraper in 1889
Name the City - #3?
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