Is it normal that girls get treated as if they are stupid in gaming?

This year I picked up my favourite game again and I basically play everyday. I'm on Discord a lot with many different guys and I swear sometimes few of them will treat me as if I'm the dumbest person to walk the planet. I have to say that mentally I wander off sometimes and I also don't have the best social skills but I'm trying. My voice and looks don't help either as my instagram got leaked many times and people definitely just see me as a dumb blonde. I know I'm good at the game though especially since like 90% in the game use autoclicker etc. and I get asked to play Clanwars with them a lot

I get called stupid for the most ridiculous things though. Like yesterday I wanted to invite someone to a Discord server I've never been on before and I didn't know I don't have the rights to do so and I got called stupid for it in the most serious tone like? It makes me question if I really am stupid sometimes, if they just do it because I'm a girl because I never see them call another guy stupid if he makes a mistake.

Is it normal that girls get treated as if they are stupid in gaming?
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