Have you ever heard of someone who doesn't flush their toilet paper down the toilet in the bathroom?

Have you ever heard of someone who doesnt flush their toilet paper down the toilet in the bathroom?

I apologize for the disgusting subject matter, but I need to know. Do you know anyone who doesn't flush their TP after using it? Like, they dispose of it in the trash or a waste bin something?

This is inspired by this question, plus my answer to it about my friend's girlfriend's sister, plus some Korean public restrooms I've seen that made me want to vomit.

I've only ever known to flush that crap, and I assumed everyone else did too. But now, I'm starting to doubt it. Are there really people such people out there who put their used toilet paper in a waste bin.

I've only ever known people who flush toilet paper.
I've known people who dispose their toilet paper other than flushing.
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And this is regarding using toilet paper for number one (female peeing) or number two (pooping.) Not stuff like wiping down the sink or for makeup.
Have you ever heard of someone who doesn't flush their toilet paper down the toilet in the bathroom?
9 Opinion