If you are able to read this mystical post, it means you are a magic user 💜✨ What do you want?

The law of attraction is real. Subliminals slay. It's not that they don't seem to work but rather they work in subtle ways that a negative mind can't see. It's not even hard to do tbh. No requirement to think too much unlike things like critical thinking. No need to feel paranoid, angered, guilty or any other low energy vibes, if you desire to feel high energy instead.

No need to try. It's natural. You are good at it. You shouldn't try to get high energy vibrations like love, peace and joy. Rather you should simply make use of them by feeling them. Don't think too much. You don't have to search much for what you really desire, because you probably know it already.

There are things that thinking won't solve. One such thing is vibrations and energy. *Reason* is of moderately high energy. But are you just gonna stay with just reasoning with your life? Probably not if you care about feeling love, peace and joy, which are the ultimate high energy vibrations.

Visualisations and feelings will solve that for you. Believe in the power of manifesting. Things can occur passively, even without you being conscious. Listen to subliminals and positive affirmations, for they will prove your negativity wrong.

Feel and visualise that the better version of you is already there. Live like the better version of yourself. If you can't decide all the ideal things, just believe at least in one thing: Like in terms of photographic memory, flexibility, singing, etc. Remember, less is more. Quality over quantity. Passive life is magic if you realise that you can use it.

There is no need to depend too much on thinking, except to imagine how you would feel in your best state. Thinking is just a learning tool. Don't make it your identity to keep searching for answers. The best book you can read is yourself.

What are you gonna manifest with your magic?
If you are able to read this mystical post, it means you are a magic user 💜✨ What do you want?
If you are able to read this mystical post, it means you are a magic user 💜✨ What do you want?
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